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Guidelines for School Bumps: Managing Molluscum Contagiosum at School


school bumps

Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection caused by a virus. It creates small, raised bumps that can be itchy or uncomfortable. These bumps, also known as school bumps, are harmless and usually go away on their own within a few months. However, they can spread to other parts of the body or other people. It's essential to know how to manage them using molluscum contagiosum medicine, especially in schools and daycare centers, to prevent the spreading of the infection.

Can You Go to School with Molluscum Contagiosum?

Yes, children with molluscum contagiosum can go to school. There is no need to keep them at home. However, certain precautions should be taken to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to other children. Here are some essential guidelines:

  • Cover the Bumps

One of the most important steps is to cover the bumps with clothing or Skin Bump Gone hydrogel patches. This helps to protect other children from coming into contact with the bumps, which can spread the virus. If the bumps are in areas that cannot be easily covered with clothing, such as the face or hands, using hydrogel patches is a good alternative.

  • Avoid Sharing Personal Items

To prevent spreading the virus, do not share towels, washcloths, or other personal items like underwear. These items can carry the virus from one person to another. Make sure your child has their own set of towels and washcloths for use at school or daycare.

  • Avoid Bathing with Other Children

Bathing with other children can increase the risk of spreading molluscum contagiosum. It’s best to avoid shared baths until the bumps have healed. If your child goes swimming, make sure the bumps are covered with waterproof hydrogel patches to reduce the risk of contaminating the pool with the virus.

Managing Molluscum Contagiosum in Daycare Centers

In daycare centers, it is important to take extra care to prevent the spread of molluscum contagiosum. Here are some additional tips:

  • Covering Lesions

Lesions not covered by clothing should be covered with Skin Bump Gone hydrogel patches. This is especially important if the lesions are in areas that are likely to come into contact with other children or surfaces. Change the patches about once per week to keep the lesions covered and reduce the risk of spreading the infection.

  • Bathroom Assistance

If a child has lesions in the underwear or diaper area and needs assistance with going to the bathroom or diaper changes, make sure these lesions are covered with hydrogel patches if possible. This helps to protect caregivers and other children from getting infected.

  • Prevent Scratching

Scratching the lesions can spread the infection to other parts of the child's body or cause secondary bacterial infections. Covering the lesions with patches or clothing can help to prevent scratching. Teach your child to avoid touching or scratching the bumps.

  • Participation in Activities

Children with molluscum contagiosum do not need to be excluded from most activities, 

including school and daycare. However, certain activities may require extra precautions:

  • Contact Sports

Children can participate in contact sports as long as the lesions can be covered with hydrogel patches. If the bumps cannot be covered, it’s best to avoid wrestling or rough-housing to reduce the risk of spreading the infection to others.

  • Public Swimming Pools

Children with molluscum contagiosum can use public swimming pools, but they should cover the bumps with waterproof hydrogel patches. This prevents the virus from spreading in the water and protects other swimmers.

Using Molluscum Contagiosum Medicine

There are various treatments available for molluscum contagiosum, often referred to as molluscum contagiosum medicine. These treatments can help to expedite the healing process and mitigate the risk of exposing the virus to others. Some common treatments include:

  • Topical Treatments

Topical treatments are applied directly to the bumps. These can include creams or gels that help to reduce the size and number of lesions. It's important to follow the guidelines given by your healthcare provider when using these treatments. Some topical treatments may contain antiviral or immune-boosting ingredients that help the body fight off the virus more effectively. Regular application, as directed, can help to diminish the appearance of the bumps and prevent new ones from forming.

  • Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is a process of freezing the bumps with liquid nitrogen. A doctor performs this treatment and can help to remove the bumps more quickly. It’s a common molluscum contagiosum medicine used for larger or more persistent lesions. The procedure can cause a stinging sensation but is generally well-tolerated. After treatment, the bumps may blister and eventually fall off, leading to clear skin. Multiple sessions may be needed depending on the number and size of the bumps.

  • Curettage

Curettage is a procedure where a healthcare provider uses a small instrument to scrape off the bumps. This treatment can be effective but may cause some discomfort. It is another form of molluscum contagiosum medicine that may be recommended for more severe cases. Curettage is often performed under local anesthesia to minimize pain. The treated area may be sore for a few days afterward, and it's important to keep the area clean to prevent infection.

  • Preventing Re-Infection

Once the bumps have resolved, you cannot spread the virus to others. However, it is not known for certain if you can get infected again. To reduce the risk of re-infection, it is best to avoid touching molluscum bumps on other people. Encourage your child to maintain r hygiene practices, such as regular hand washing and not sharing personal items. Teaching children to avoid scratching or picking at the bumps can also help prevent the virus from spreading to other parts of their body or to others. Additionally, keeping the affected areas covered with clothing or patches can further reduce the risk of transmission and re-infection.


Managing molluscum contagiosum in school and daycare settings involves taking simple precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. By covering the bumps, avoiding sharing personal items, and using appropriate treatments, children with molluscum contagiosum can continue to go to school and participate in most activities without putting others at risk. Remember to use molluscum medicine as recommended by your healthcare provider to help with the healing and reduce the spread of the infection.


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